
NHS News

NHS expands ‘one-hour’ liver testing to help detect and eliminate Hep C

Thousands of people unknowingly living with hepatitis C are to be identified, diagnosed and cured thanks to major NHS investment… Read more

NHSE comment on latest weekly winter sitrep figures

Commenting on the final weekly sitrep for this winter, Professor Julian Redhead, NHS England’s National Clinical Director for Urgent and… Read more

NHS MMR catch up campaign successfully boosts uptake

New operational figures published today show the success of the NHS MMR catch-up campaign, with tens of thousands more vaccinations… Read more

NHS announces first ever national clinical director for women’s health

The NHS has appointed Dr Sue Mann, a consultant and lead for women’s health in City and Hackney, North East… Read more

NHS rolls out artificial pancreas in world first move

Tens of thousands of children and adults living with type 1 diabetes across England are set to receive an ‘artificial… Read more

NHS launches innovative new drive to recruit armed forces veterans

The NHS is stepping up a national campaign to recruit former members of the Armed Forces who want to join… Read more

Boosted GP practice access for patients thanks to new phone technology

More patients will be able to get through to their GP surgery for an appointment, thanks to upgraded phone technology… Read more

100,000 patients receive early access to latest cancer therapies on NHS

Almost one hundred thousand cancer patients have now benefitted from early access to the latest and most innovative treatments, thanks… Read more

Five million more GP appointments delivered in February than before pandemic

GP teams delivered over 30 million appointments for patients last month (February 2024), up almost a quarter on the same… Read more

NHSE comment on latest weekly winter sit rep figures

Commenting on the latest weekly winter sit rep figures, Professor Sir Stephen Powis, NHS national medical director, said: “It is encouraging… Read more