
NHS News

Paid leave for NHS staff experiencing pregnancy loss

NHS staff who suffer a miscarriage will now receive up to 10 days additional paid leave, under new guidance issued… Read more

NHS Urges Young Adults to Catch Up On Missed MMR Vaccine

More than 900,000 adults aged 19 to 25 in England are being invited to book an appointment for their missed… Read more

Teens choose NHS as first choice for their future career

The NHS has been the talk of classrooms during National Careers Week, following a BBC Bitesize survey that found the NHS is… Read more

Pressure on NHS services remains high

Frontline NHS pressures are not letting up as winter ends, with huge demand on hospital services last week – as… Read more

NHS staff report record levels of discrimination from the public

Frontline NHS staff are facing record levels of discrimination from the public, the result of a national staff survey reveals…. Read more

NHS England’s response to the Budget

Amanda Pritchard, NHS chief executive said: “From record numbers of cancer checks to more young people than ever before receiving help… Read more

NHS England responds to ministerial statement regarding high risk screening for some women following chest radiotherapy for Hodgkin lymphoma

The Minister of State for Health and Secondary Care has today made a written statement to Parliament regarding steps being… Read more

NHS rolls out new immunotherapy for hundreds of women with advanced endometrial cancer

The NHS will roll out a new immunotherapy that could offer women with advanced endometrial cancer significant extra time before… Read more

NHS publishes data following junior doctors strike

Data on the recent industrial action by junior doctors can be found on the NHS England website here: NHS England… Read more

NHS England response to new Lancet report on obesity

Professor Simon Kenny, NHS England’s National Clinical Director for Children and Young People, said: “These figures will be as alarming… Read more