
NHS News

Ambulance handovers improve despite increased demand and ongoing winter pressures

England’s top doctor has praised the hard work of staff as new data shows ambulance handover delays have improved despite… Read more

NHS fast-tracks new therapy for rare ‘graft vs host’ disease

Cancer patients living with a rare disease which attacks the body’s own organs following a life-saving stem cell transplant are… Read more

MPs begin nominations to celebrate exceptional NHS Staff

Today marks the launch of the NHS Parliamentary Awards 2024, where MPs get to recognise staff who go above and… Read more

Statement on industrial action from NHS England

NHS National Medical Director Professor Sir Stephen Powis said: “There is no doubt that NHS staff are facing immense pressure… Read more

Simple sponge-on-a-string test replaces need for endoscopy for thousands of NHS patients

An innovative test trialled by the NHS to help diagnose a condition which can lead to oesophageal cancer has reduced… Read more

Statement on industrial action from NHS England

NHS National Medical Director Professor Sir Stephen Powis said: “Staff and services continue to be under significant pressure as the… Read more

NHS facing further strike disruption amid ongoing winter demand

The NHS is facing further strike disruption this week amid continued high demand for services, as its top doctor warns… Read more

New non-executive directors for NHS England Board

NHS England has added a wealth of wide-ranging experience to its board, welcoming new members who hold expertise in a… Read more

NHS rolls out ‘wearable’ 24-hour infusion for advanced Parkinson’s

Hundreds of NHS patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease are set to benefit from a portable drug infusion that is gradually… Read more

NHS to roll out ‘Martha’s Rule’

The head of the NHS has today announced the rollout of ‘Martha’s Rule’ in hospitals across England from April, enabling… Read more